Andean Folk Music and Dance

Andean Trails-Caminos del Ande
A beautiful representation of the Andean world from the pre-Columbian times to the colonial era full of music and dances inspired by the Quechua culture of the ancient Inca Empire, oral traditions and folkloric representations of the Inca empire. The performance is bound to envelop the listener and take them on a memorable journey to the Andean Mountains and the land of Tahuantinsuyo, the largest empire of pre-Hispanic America.
Bilingual English-Spanish
Age level: All ages
Cost: $600
Travel cost: $50
Bamboo Flute Workshop
Workshops provide a chance to create your very own bamboo flute.
Classes can be held at schools, galleries, and libraries.
Workshops take about an hour and will include making, decorating, and learning to play the flute.
Age level: Best for adults and students in fourth grade and up.
Bilingual English-Spanish
Cost: $200
Materials: $10 for each flute. Max 15 participants.
Travel cost: $50
Note: I will bring tools that will be handled with care at all times during the flute construction process.
Dance Workshop
The Andean region is rich in many traditional, colorful dances.
The workshop combines a lecture that focuses on the ethnic diversity of Peruvian culture with a panoramic illustration of the different musical and dance styles. We then focus on one traditional dance from Cuzco, Peru called Valicha. Students will learn about the context of this dance and how to listen to and identify musical parts.
Warm-up exercises will place the body into the specific postures required and accustom the ear to the beat. Steps will be learned individually to later be adapted to couple and group combinations. Improvisation is encouraged.
Let's dance!
Dance alone, dance with a partner, dance with joy, and dance for fun! Happy and energetic.
We suggest combining music performance and dance workshop to be held on the same day to complement the whole Andean cultural experience.
Bilingual English-Spanish
Age: 3 years and up.
Cost: $300
Travel cost: $50
Andean Trails and one-hour dance workshop: $800
Travel cost: $50